Best global poverty reduction case studies released in Beijing
International seminar aims to promote poverty alleviation by collecting and showcasing effective poverty reduction practices in China and around the world
Edited by Li Fangfang  ·  2021-10-20  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

The third call of Global Solicitation on Best Poverty Reduction Practices was launched at the 2021 International Seminar on Global Poverty Reduction Partnerships, held in Beijing on October19 (ZHENG LIANG)

A total of 106 poverty reduction case studies were recognized for their excellence at the 2021 International Seminar on Global Poverty Reduction Partnerships in Beijing on October 19. The event aims to promote poverty alleviation by collecting and showcasing effective poverty reduction practices in China and around the world.

The 106 cases were selected from a total of 494 case studies from 29 countries and regions that were submitted during the second call of Global Solicitation on Best Poverty Reduction Practices. During the event, organizers launched the third call for solicitation, encouraging poverty reduction organizations, agencies and governments from around the world to submit case studies and share best practices.

"The awardees...clearly illustrate that tremendous results can be achieved when actors work for a common goal," Wang Wei, director of global partnerships of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), said at the seminar.

In late 2020, the Chinese Government announced that its goal to eliminate extreme poverty had been achieved. Cases shared by China during the seminar show how to alleviate poverty by developing industry, promoting tourism, creating jobs and protecting the environment.

The seminar was organized by the Asian Development Bank, China Internet Information Center, International Poverty Reduction Center in China, World Bank, and three United Nations Rome-based agencies – the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the IFAD, and World Food Programme.

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