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China activates emergency response to rain, snowstorms amid holiday traffic peak
  ·  2024-02-21  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The Ministry of Emergency Management on February 20 activated a Level IV emergency response for low temperatures and snow in the provinces of Anhui, Henan and Hubei. 

According to the ministry, the national commission for disaster prevention, reduction and relief has dispatched work teams to the three provinces to assist with disaster prevention and emergency response. 

The freezing rain and snow is expected to affect multiple areas, and disaster risks are relatively high given the traffic peak after the Spring Festival holiday, it said. 

The ministry urged relevant regions to pay close attention to changes in weather, enhance coordination across different departments, strengthen rescue forces, and make preparations for disaster relief work in advance. 

China's national observatory on the same day issued a yellow alert for blizzards as freezing rain and snowstorms are forecast to lash parts of the country from February 20 to 23.


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