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U.S., not China, providing weapons to Ukrainian battlefield: FM
  ·  2023-03-21  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

It is the United States, not China, that is providing weapons to the Ukrainian battlefield, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on March 20.

"China has always upheld an objective and fair position on the Ukraine issue. All that China has done is to promote talks for peace," spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a news briefing in response to a relevant query.

China always stands on the side of peace and dialogue, and on the right side of history. China will continue to play a constructive role in the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, he said.

"It is the United States, not China, that is providing weapons to the Ukrainian battlefield," Wang said, urging the United States to stop adding fuel to the fire, and cease its lecturing, coercing and intimidating of other countries.

The United States should play a constructive role in finding a political settlement for the Ukraine crisis, rather than doing the opposite, Wang added.


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