Racing Against Time
  ·  2019-07-22  ·   Source: NO.30 JULY 25, 2019

Less than a year and a half is left for meeting the goal of eliminating absolute poverty in rural areas by the end of 2020. To realize the goal, it's important to focus on the weak links to conduct targeted poverty alleviation.

The focus of poverty alleviation should be shifted to extremely poor areas. In addition to ensuring basic food and clothing, compulsory education, medical care and housing should also be guaranteed for people in these areas. Pollution should be addressed in key areas to win the battle against pollution.

Extremely poor areas are the toughest nuts to crack in poverty alleviation. These areas lack self-development capabilities as they are often mountain or border areas, where social and economic development lags behind and the environment is fragile.

The government, private sector and individuals should work together to divert resources to extremely impoverished areas and fight poverty with greater determination, a clearer vision and more targeted measures. Poverty reduction should not exist just as a slogan but should be conducted with courage, patience and wisdom. People's needs should be prioritized in the process.

Officials of different levels should shoulder their responsibilities and waste no time to fight poverty to win people's recognition and stand the test of history.

(This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in Outlook Weekly on July 15)

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